YiwuSell.com is a sourcing agent in Yiwu International Trade City of Zhejiang Yiwu City in China.

There are over 80000 factory stores here.

We can help you buy what you want here : help you buy,help you ship,help you do custom clearance.

On our website https://www.YiwuSell.com there are lots of products shown and they are what we helped our clients buy from Yiwu Market in the past years and They are just for your reference when you want us help you buy.

Most of those products are hot sale or were hot sale in the place of our clients.Only for show,not for selling.

Most of these products are not in stock except those made by our own factories.

If you need to buy sth.,please contact with us directly.

We can help you search what you want in our local market in China  :

            help you collect,help you buy,help you clear customs,help you ship etc.