What can you do to help me?

a:Tell me the product you want to purchase and some properties and details of the product, and I will help you find it in theshortest time
Can you help me find the goods from the factory?
a:Yes, we have accumulated a lot of factory resources through years of purchasing experience
Can you help me find a cheaper shipping for the products I ordered?
a:Yes, this is also within the scope of our services and we will find cheap and safe transportation for you to help you ship your goods
It is now very easy to source and import from China. But when small business importers face more than 1,000 suppliers of the same products at alibaba, it is always difficult to find suppliers with the right price and quality. We like to help small and medium-sized enterprises, and even new importers to purchase quality, quality products in China, to help them avoid all kinds of potential import risks. Our service is very friendly to them with a minimum charge of $100. Our procurement service is free of charge and you do not have to pay anything until you purchase what you need. Our service rate is 5%-10%, including product procurement, production management, quality inspection, transportation arrangement and product photography. Unlike inspection companies that can only send you inspection reports, we can help you negotiate on behalf of suppliers and resolve quality issues before the products leave China. You will never feel so safe when you import from China through us. In the past three years, we have established an e-commerce business for more than 1,500 Amazon sellers in the United States and helped a European company increase its annual import from $0.50 to $4 million. We always believe, let you succeed, then we will succeed.